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Blog Posts (18)
- Ask Allison #10!
Hi folx! If you read Ask Allison #1, you know this is a space where I post questions asked to me anonymously and answer them. Thanks to those of you who've asked me questions this week! Dear Allison, What's your go-to toy recommendation and why? Looking to spice things up with my partner but not sure where to start! Sincerely, Too Many Options!!! Dear Too Many Options!!!, It sounds like you've got a good problem on your hands! I'll give you some categories to choose from, since I don't know exactly what you're looking for. Please note that I'm not sponsored by any toy company; these are curated from my experience as a coach and educator: Vibrators I love recommending CalExotic's Red Hot Spark to people with vulvas because it has many options for stimulation. Its shape can feel like a simulation of oral sex because the soft silicone tip can flick if you hold it in a certain way, or it can feel like a bullet vibrator with a very pinpointed sensation at the very tip, depending on the pressure you give behind it or the angle at which it touches the body. It has a wider base, which is good for body massage, but it is NOT safe for anal play because it doesn't have a flared base so please use this externally or vaginally ONLY. Dildos Depending on the size and shape you think you might want, Blush's Avant lineup has just about everything, and most of them are pride-colored, just for fun! They're made with a super-soft, patented silicone so they're sturdy, body-safe, and durable. They fit into most harnesses if you're interested in pegging, and can feel anywhere from heavy and filling to light and tantilizing. Some mimic human penises while others don't necessarily look human at all, if you're going for a more non-binary, non-conforming (to any race, species, etc.) type of vibe. They do run a bit high on price, but they're well worth the spend and will definitely last you. Strokers This category can get a bit sticky (pun absolutely intended) because most penis-owners are pretty particular about how they like their penis to be touched. I would recommend starting with something gentle, like the Tenga Egg strokers, then ramping it up if you or your partner are into this kind of stimulation. Because strokers aren't self-lubricating like vaginas, don't try to use them without lube of some sort. Most are very easily washable, so don't be too concerned about cleanup; just be sure to over-lube and err on the side of getting too much (because you can never really have way too much) and make sure you have excellent communication between you and your partner so you or they can tell the other how things are feeling. Anal Play Similar to the dildo recommendations, I would always recommend Blush's Avant lineup. They use the same silicone to make their anal toys, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes and colors. As with the strokers, use so much lube you run out (and then go get more!!) because the anus is NOT self-lubricating and you can do some real damage and cause some real pain that really is not fun to deal with if you don't use adequate lube. The anus is very very sensitive, so make sure to go super slowly, communicate with your partner, and use tactile skills like feeling if their or your sphincter is open and ready to receive more stimulation or not. Stay away from anal play if you or your partner is experiencing hemorrhoids or rectal tears. These can not only be horribly uncomfortable but can also lead to infection. Use graduating toys that go from very small sizes to larger ones and make sure anything you're using for anal play has a flared base and looks similar to a traffic cone. Silicone, glass, or metal are good materials to look for, as they are non-porous and generally waterproof, though you should double check the label to make sure. Metal and glass toys will make the user feel more full more quickly, so keep that in mind as well. Impact Play My all-time favorite impact play toy recommendation is a flogger. Similar to a whip, this toy has a small learning curve and comes in a variety of materials and sizes. It's known for its ability to sting a little, but not leave lasting marks like bruises or scratches. I don't tend to recommend paddles because they can really hurt if not used correctly and can cause some serious damage to the body, especially bruises and broken bones (seriously, being gentle with these things really matters) and nobody wants to end up on an episode of "Sex Sent Me to the ER". Bondage I would recommend wrist or ankle restraints before handcuffs or rope, especially for beginners in this area. They're much more comfortable than metal cuffs and don't tend to leave marks. They're also pretty easy to take on and off and come in a lot of different materials, like velvet, leather, faux fur, etc. which can be a really fun addition to your intimate life and help things go from good to EXXXTRA SPICY!!! They don't usually require a key, so they're a bit less risky than handcuffs. I hope this helps you with your sexplorations! I wish you all the best luck in finding all of the toys that give you exactly what you're looking for. ~Allison
- Ask Allison #9!
Hi folx! If you read Ask Allison #1, you know this is a space where I post questions asked to me anonymously and answer them. Thanks to those of you who've asked me questions this week! Dear Allison, I identify as a straight cis male, but I think I'm curious about trying butt stuff. What's wrong with me? Sincerely, Scared Straight Dear Scared Straight, For everyone reading, "cis" is short for "cis-gender", which means you identify with the gender and genitals you were born with. Now, let's talk about butt stuff! First of all, enjoying anal stimulation doesn't define your sexuality. Being attracted to any other gender other than the opposite cis-gender of your own gender is generally classified as being "queer". Being attracted to the same gender as you is generally considered as being "gay". There are many exceptions to this, though. The male body has something which you've probably heard of called the prostate gland. This is a walnut-sized part of the male anatomy that sits in the pelvis and can be reached (and stimulated) through the anus. Receiving touch can be really pleasurable for a lot of people who identify as men, but doesn't make them "gay" or not straight. In fact, a lot of men like stimulation on their penis as well as their prostate - it can enhance orgasm exponentially for some! So, all of this is to say that absolutely nothing is wrong with you. You were simply built with a pleasure spot that's only reachable through your bum-hole, so if you want to know what it's like to experiment with that, there's really only one way to go: up! Now, here's a word of caution on anal play: GO. SLOW. For the love of all things good (including your booty), please don't shove things up there if they don't want to go yet. And please start small. A finger wrapped in a condom works great. Then you can add another until you need to take it slower again. That leads me to... USE. LUBE. The anus, unlike the vagina, does NOT have its own lubricant and therefore is not slippery enough to provide adequate lubrication for penetration or any other kind of anal fun, for that matter. Do you and your bum a favor and get some lube, especially one that's formulated for anal play. Make sure you're using the right lube formula (like water-based) that is safe for the types of toys you're using. Remember that like degrades like, so don't use silicone-based lube on silicone toys or oil-based lube on latex condoms. Which brings me to... USE. CONDOMS. The anus, also unlike the vagina, has very thin walls and doesn't have its own self-cleaning mechanisms to defend against infections. This is just one of the other multitude of reasons it's an excellent idea to use lube, but it's an even better idea to use condoms. Condoms, when used correctly, can be up to 99% effective at preventing STIs, and some of the scariest ones at that like HIV/AIDS, HPV, and others. And, if you happen to run into a "chocolate surprise", the toys (or penis/es) you're using won't end up chocolate-flavored as well. RELAX!!! Your anus is a bundle of super-tight muscles for a very good reason. Try taking some deep breaths and play with the external parts before trying to insert anything. Your body needs to know that that kind of touch is safe and, if you want to go further, welcomed (eventually). Just take your time and try not to set expectations for yourself, or a partner, if you're not flying solo. Do not ever. EVER. EVER!!!! use toys without a "flared" base. They CAN and WILL get sucked into your body and you will have to take a very embarrassing trip to the ER to get them removed very uncomfortably, both emotionally and physically. Just stick to toys that are meant to go up there and you'll be fine, as long as they're made of body-safe material like silicone, metal, or glass. Heavy = full. Toys that are made of metal or glass will make you feel more full more quickly, so especially take it slower with these guys and don't ever forget your lube! Lube way more than you think, too. Get it everywhere. I hope this information has been helpful! As always, feel free to get in touch with me with any questions. Good luck with your sexpeditions! ~Allison
- Allison's Doing Another Workshop!
Hey, y'all! If you missed out on the last one, this is your reminder to get tickets for my workshop on September 27th, 2024! Find all the details below! When: September 27th, 2024, time TBD Where: Mystique Lingerie 2700 S College Ave Suite 165 Fort Collins, CO 80525 What it's about: This workshop will cover what to do when you feel like the spark you had isn't quite as strong. Feeling like a spark has dwindled is an extraordinarily common challenge, and not a lot of folx know where to turn when it starts to happen because it can feel really overwhelming and scary, especially if you've been in a long-term relationship/marriage and noticed things just aren't quite as spicy as they once were. We'll learn about some different communication tactics to help get some convos facilitated, talk about some tips and tricks to use at home (hint: it involves getting naked together!), and do some brief anatomy lessons to make sure you're reaching all the right places when you go spelunking. As with all of my workshops, this is a safe space where anyone of all genders, ethnicities, ages, backgrounds, races, relationship statuses, and cultures can come together and learn about their sexualities as they pertain to the kink world. If you are under 16 years old, please bring an adult with you who will act as your parent or guardian. Here's a link to get tickets! If you have any questions, please reach out to me! I hope to see you all there! ~Allison
Other Pages (19)
- Expertise | Sextraordinary Coach
Experience and Expertise When I was 19, I was put at risk for contracting HIV. I've always been close with my family, but because none of us had had comprehensive sexual health education growing up, I had no one to turn to for facts or treatment or testing options. Like any good teenager, I turned to the internet for answers and wound up speaking with an expert at a government-funded sexual health education resource. Crying on the phone, I realized I never wanted any other person to experience the paralyzing fear that wracked my body. I decided I needed to create a safe, educationally-based space where anybody could seek answers for anything. I became a certified peer educator and sexual health instructor so that I could give back to the community and assure that all people have a place to go when they need answers. Work Experience Bachelor's of Science: Psychology Bachelor's of Arts: Ethnic Studies Certified Peer Educator - NASPA Planned Parenthood Comprehensive Sex Education for Educators WHO Certifications I went into my undergraduate years at Colorado State University (CSU) as a declared Psychology major. I completed research projects, papers, and studies and chose to stay with a General Psychology concentration in order to be able to explore the most avenues in my studies. I declared a minor in Ethnic Studies my second year and declared an Ethnic Studies major my third year, graduating after 4.5 years with both a Bachelor's of Science and Bachelor's of Arts degree. During my time at CSU, I joined a student-led, student-facilitated, university-backed program called CREWS (Creating a Respectful Environment With/for Students), a peer educator program focused on educating students about safer sex and drug use (including alcohol) and practices surrounding risk reduction. I earned my Peer Education Certificate through NASPA, an organization focused on fostering inclusive and supportive environments in higher education. The NASPA certification covered important areas such as motivational interviewing, conflict resolution, and the Stages of Change model. During my second year in CREWS, I co-taught the NASPA course and led activities on- and off-campus to help engage students in learning about safer sexual practices like condom use and STI prevention. Through Planned Parenthood's online certification program, I earned these certificates: Effective Sex Education Inclusive Sex Education Trauma-Informed Sex Education Supporting Healthier Relationships as an Educator Discussion and Answering Difficult Questions Sexual Harassment for Educators Through WHO's online certification program, I earned these certificates: Counseling on Contraceptives CREWS Peer Educator, Facilitator, Organizer CREWS peer education platform allowed me to engage with students from all over CSU's campuses through various activities such as Sex Trivia, condom roses, football game merch tables, and more. I co-taught the NASPA course and facilitated many of the activities I listed above throughout my time as an active CREWS member, allowing me to get hands-on experience discussing uncomfortable topics, finding solutions, and providing resources with youth and adults alike. Let's Get Social
- About | Sextraordinary Coach
Sextraordinary Coaching helps people learn how they can connect to themselves in new ways, understand their sexuality, and feel their best through education and pleasure-centered somatic work. The Full Story About Sextraordinary Coaching Watching myself grow and learn from others, find new joys, and discover my truths and passions every day is what makes life scrumptious, zesty, luscious, glorious, and splendorous to me. I am ever open to finding the pleasures in uncomfortability and learning to enjoy uncomfortable feelings, as they are almost always growing pains and can lead ultimately to blooming in ways we never imagined for ourselves. Mission I help people learn about how they can have the best sex possible for them, connect with partners, and feel their best through education and pleasure-centered somatic work. Loaded Questions -Do you find yourself wondering if you could be experiencing more pleasure? -Are you asking a lot of questions that you can’t find the answers to? -Are you seeking clarity in your sex life? -Are you bored with the sex you’re having? -Do you want to experience more desire, naturally? I welcome your challenges, your insecurities, and your struggles. I see your good intentions, and your doubts, and your inevitable question marks. Let’s come together and focus on getting you where you want to be. My goal is for you to leave every coaching conversation feeling renewed, re-energized, and re-ignited with passion, desire, and pleasure as well as confidence in yourself that you have all the strength that you need already inside of you. Pricing -One-on-one sessions, per minute......................................$2 -One-on-one sessions, one hour......................................$125 -Couples sessions, one hour............................................$250 -Couples (2+ attendees) sessions, two hours.................$375 Interested in a monthly or annual plan? Click Here to Look At Plans
- Home | Sextraordinary Coaching, LLC | Fort Collins, Colorado
Become Sextraordinary! Find your magic with one-on-one sex coaching, couples coaching, and workshops, and more! Hi, I'm Allison. I'm so excited you're here! Scroll down! Click Here to Learn About Free Sessions! About Me Allison Keller, B.S., B.A. She/her/hers Accepting, welcoming, passionate I help people learn about how they can have the best sex possible for them, connect with partners, and feel their best through education and pleasure-centered somatic work. I became a coach because I live for my “Ah-Ha!” moments and I want everyone to be able to experience them. Some people are still finding the courage and confidence to be capable of bringing those moments to fruition. And some people give up entirely on allowing themselves to find actualization and quit before they can discover the magic that inherently lives inside them, waiting to be ignited. I want to change that! That's why I want to accompany people on their journey to ignition and discovery, help to tackle challenges, and find their magic. I am inherently open-minded, accepting, non-judgemental, optimistic, and always ready to be challenged. I hold myself to the highest standards of honesty and accountability as core moral values and I strive to become the best version of myself every single day. I let the positivity and joie de vivre guide me and set the pattern for my work as a coach. About Me Whether you’re here to discover parts of yourself, discover more magic in your relationships, metamorphose your sex life, discover more passion, love yourself and your body, or to discover the magic of sex toys and different kinds of sex, or anything else, you’ve come to the right place. Find and embrace your sexy self. Become magical. Become Sextraordinary! Sin-spirations As a peer educator through a volunteer organization called CREWS, I have discovered my passion for sex education that focuses on non-judgemental, fact-based, peer-to-peer conversations and the impact a healthy and safe sex life can have, especially for youth. If you want to learn more about how I found my passion in sex coaching, check out the About tab at the top of the page. Learn More About Allison A Little Bit of (Cunni)Lingo Sex -A term used to describe a sexual act such as intercourse, fellatio, and even masturbation. In the common English vernacular, “sex” is often referring to sexual intercourse, where one person inserts a penis into a vagina or anus. I want to broaden the way we think about sex, so I use the term much more liberally and to describe the many forms of sexual intimacy and pleasure humans can experience. On this site, in conversations, and in workshops, you will hear me using words you may be unfamiliar with. There is a small dictionary below that will explain these words and their definitions. I use a variety of terms because I want everyone to feel accepted, no matter what they look, feel like, or identify as. Erotic -A term used to describe sensations that bring joy and pleasure, not inherently sexual in nature. Another common English vernacular usage of this word is in terms of something that is sexual or pornographic. “Erotic” can actually mean something that brings pleasure to the senses, so I want to use it as such and begin to de-sexualize the way we think about pleasure. Pleasure-centered somatic work -I center my work around the experience of pleasure, meaning the sensation of enjoyment or gratification. Somatic refers to the body, and I center my work around bringing the most pleasure to the whole body as much as possible. Vulva -A term used to describe all of the external female genitalia (labia majora and minora or lips, clitoris, and opening of the vagina). Note that this is distinctly a different part of the body than the vagina itself, a common linguistic mistake. Services One-on-One Sessions A one-hour session with just me and you where we talk about all things sex, sexuality, etc. and get you where you want to be. These sessions do not include nudity or sexual acts. Workshops Click Here to See Upcoming Workshops! Group-based learning conversations based around a specific topic. All workshops are open to everyone, regardless of gender expression, gender identity, gender assigned at birth, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or religious background. All workshops are open to all ages - I recommend youngsters come along as well, at parent/guardian discretion. Workshops do not include any nudity or sexual acts. 101s Toys 101 Bondage 101 Communication 101 Safer Sex 101 Sextracurricular Activities Mindful Sex Workshop Pleasure-Focused Sex Workshop Orgasm Du Jour Workshop Sexercises Yoga For Sex Couples Sessions A one-hour session with me, you, and your partner(s) where we talk about all things sex, sexuality, etc. and get you all where you want to be. These sessions do not include nudity or sexual acts. Parties If you’re looking for a sexy spice to add to your party, give me a call! For one to two hours, I’ll come to your party with my Bag O’ Goodies (hint: there’s A LOT of sex toys in there!) and you and your party-goers can sit back, relax, and learn a bit more about those weird things you’ve been seeing on Instagram but have no idea how they work. Like my workshops, these events are designed to be a hands-on learning experience where you get to touch and interact with all different types of toys. I offer Bags O’ Goodies for people with vulvas, people with penises, or a mix - just indicate which Bag O’ Goodies you want to show up and I’ll make it happen! Looking for something other than toys at your party? Look no further! If you’d prefer, I can bring my other Bag O’ Goodies (hint: there’s A LOT of kinky stuff in there!) full of handcuffs, ropes, chains, blindfolds, whips, paddles, riding crops, etc. that you can play with and learn all about how to whip yourself and/or partner(s) into shape for the experience of your life! Book a Session! Non-Comprehensive List of Services Services Finding pleasure (Re)Discovering and increasing desire Learning about your body and its functions Learning about your sexuality Healing from injury, procedures, or illnesses Prostatectomy Giving birth Vaginismus Vasectomy Hysterectomy Others Education about sex toys, kinks, bondage, etc. De-stigmatizing sex, sexuality, and intimacy Soon-to-be-married and newly wed sex coaching Teen/tween sex and sexuality coaching and education Intersex, asexual, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender (LGBTQIA+) topics, education, and coaching And so much more! "Allison is so professional yet engaging. She made me feel immediately comfortable discussing sensitive topics. I've learned so much from our sessions!" ~J.J. "I came to Allison for coaching around performance anxiety and ended up meeting my goals in not just my sexual life but in a multitude of other areas as well! Her holistic approach really works for me and I would absolutely recommend it for anyone looking to grow within themselves as well as within their relationships." ~F.T. Leave Me a Google Review! “The day you were born, your body was a cause for celebration, for love without condition, and that’s just as true today as it was then.” Emily Nagoski, Ph.D. Let's Talk